Folon Foundation Launches 'Sabuj Abhyudaya' Tree Plantation and Art Initiative in Mirpur

Folon Foundation Launches 'Sabuj Abhyudaya' Tree Plantation and Art Initiative in Mirpur

The Folon Foundation has launched a tree plantation program titled 'Sabuj Abhyudaya' in the Mirpur area of Dhaka, aimed at rebuilding the nation in the aftermath of the recent popular uprising. The project, which is still ongoing, seeks to revive nature and create a greener, more sustainable Bangladesh.

As part of this initiative, over a hundred saplings have been planted along Mazar Road, Gol Chattar, Zoo Road, and Darus Salam Road, transforming these areas into green spaces. Local residents and Folon Foundation volunteers have come together to make this vision a reality.

A unique aspect of the 'Sabuj Abhyudaya' project is the beautification of the city’s dividing lanes with mural and calligraphy paintings. These artworks, created by women volunteers from the Folon Foundation, add an artistic touch to the urban landscape, doubling the beauty of the streets while promoting environmental awareness.

Representatives of the Folon Foundation have stated that their goal with the 'Sabuj Abhyudaya' project is to spread greenery across every corner of the country and fulfill their responsibility to nature. They are committed to building a green and environmentally friendly Bangladesh where conservation and sustainable development are prioritized. This initiative has united people from all walks of life, who have demonstrated their environmental consciousness and responsibility through tree planting and wall art.

Folon Foundation is optimistic that this effort will spread to other parts of the country and play a significant role in the restoration of Bangladesh’s environment.

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