Ethiopian military detains BBC reporter

Ethiopian military detains BBC reporter

A BBC reporter named Girmay Gebru has been detained by military in Ethiopia. He was reporting in Ethiopia’s conflict-hit region of Tigray.

Witnesses said Girmay Gebru, who works for BBC Tigrinya, was taken along with four other people from a cafe in the regional capital, Mekelle. He is reported to have been taken to a military camp in Mekelle.

The BBC couldn’t identify the reason behind the detention yet. The British media has already expressed its concern to Ethiopian authorities.

A BBC spokesperson said, “We have expressed our concern to the Ethiopian authorities and are awaiting their response.”

A local journalist named Tamirat Yemane, and two translators - Alula Akalu and Fitsum Berhane, who were working for the Financial Times and the AFP news agency, respectively - have also been detained in recent days.

Ethiopia’s government has been fighting rebel forces in Tigray since November last year. After months of an effective media blackout since the start of the conflict in Tigray, the government granted access to some international media organizations last week. Both AFP and the Financial Times had received permission to cover the conflict.

Fighting continues in Tigray despite the government declaring victory over the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. Hundreds have been killed and tens of thousands displaced of that area.

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