Al Jazeera reports that four people have filed sedition cases

Al Jazeera reports that four people have filed sedition cases

A sedition case has been filed against four people including the director general of Qatar-based news channel Al Jazeera for publishing a report titled "All the Prime Minister's Men".

Founder and President of Bangabandhu Foundation Moshiur Malek filed the case with the Court of Metropolitan Magistrate MD Ashek Imam on Wednesday morning.

The accused are- Swedish-Bangladeshi journalist Tasneem Khalil, Hungary-based entrepreneur Zulkarnain Saer Khan, British journalist David Bergman and Director General (editing council) of Al Jazeera Television Dr Mostefa Souag.

In the case, charges were brought against Al Jazeera for publishing false and fabricated information against Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Chief of Army Stuff Gen Aziz Ahmed.  

The court will hear the case later in the day, sources said.

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